
This document sets out policy and investment recommendations as input to the Queensland Government State Budget process for 2024-2025.

Where appropriate, we have included approximate costings based on Q Shelter’s research and modelling.

Our recommendations span a range of solutions that incorporate:

  • Upstream investment in genuine prevention
  • Investment in Specialist Homelessness Services to address increased demand
  • Upstream investment in tenancy sustainment support including specialised support
  • Enhanced funding for supportive housing
  • Specific housing supply and support measures to house Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, young people, older people, people impacted by hoarding and squalor, and people living with disability
  • An increase to the Housing Investment Fund
  • Expanded investment in modern methods of construction to rapidly scale supply
  • Accelerated policy reforms focused on the planning system and community housing provision
  • Support for peer leadership and for tenant participation
  • Localised community capacity building activities to build support for diverse housing solutions.


A range of contextual factors are impacting the extent of unmet housing need and homelessness including:

  • An undersupplied housing market compared to the demand for housing
  • High migration to Queensland
  • Significant projected population growth
  • Reducing household size
  • Significant infrastructure programs attracting a workforce
  • Construction industry challenges including workforce availability, skills, supply chain issues and overall rising costs
  • Historically low levels of social and affordable housing which have not kept pace with population needs
  • An over-reliance on the private rental market which provides little security of tenure and is also undersupplied.


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