About 40% of QLD women receiving support from homelessness services say domestic and family violence is the reason they are seeking help.

As a community, we all have a responsibility to put an end to domestic and family violence. Q Shelter aims to equip housing providers, homelessness services, and the real estate sector with tools and resources to help them better recognise and respond to domestic violence. 

We have recently released a free, online, self-paced training course for property professions who wish to improve their practice as it relates to DFV: learn more and enrol here.

Strengthening the Housing & Homelessness Workforce Response

As someone working in the housing and homelessness sector, you may be the first to see warning signs of domestic and family violence. By watching these videos and engaging with the online tools, you will:

  • increase your understanding of domestic and family violence 
  • better understand your role in responding to DFV as a worker  
  • build confidence in responding appropriately to tenants or people you are supporting 
  • better understand referral pathways, both for yourself and those you support.


This series of online tools was developed thanks to a grant received from The Department of Child Safety, Youth, and Women as part of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month 2020.

Read the toolkit

Watch the accompanying videos

An Introduction to Domestic and Family Violence

The Bystander Approach

Referral Pathways

Strengthening the Real Estate Response

Safe and secure housing is a critical component for victims of domestic and family violence. The real estate industry is in a prime position to help achieve this outcome. To access Q Shelter’s free, interactive, self-faced e-learning, click here.

Alternatively, you can increasing your understanding through a toolkit of resources below.

Developed to support real estate agents managing tenancies, this toolkit provides:

  • information to increase awareness 
  • tools to guide Property Managers to manage impacted tenancies  
  • suggestions about how to advise landlords on the situation and its management. 

The toolkit includes these accompanying videos:

Ch 1: Intro to the DFV Toolkit

Ch 2: Indicators of DFV and ways to respond

Ch 3: Tenant and worker safety

Ch 4: A property manager’s perspective

Ch 5: Information and referral pathways

Entering into a property management career

Watch all the videos here.

This resource was funded by the Queensland Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women in partnership with the Australian Government Department of Social Services. It was updated in April 2022 to reflect legislative changes to the Rooming and Accommodation Act.

Read the toolkit

Domestic and Family Violence and Tenancies

Want more resources? Visit The Deck resource hub.