Contact Q Shelter
Q Shelter works closely with Government and other key stakeholders to find and influence housing and homelessness solutions at the systemic, policy and structural level.
At the same time, we work to build the skills and capacity of the workforce to respond effectively to housing issues and to implement solutions. It is through collaboration, we can work towards our vision to ensure every Queenslander has a home.
For media enquiries, please contact our Communication Team on 07 3831 5900 or visit our media centre.
Q Shelter can be found at
515 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, QLD, 4004
Phone: (07) 3831 5900
Fax: (07) 3236 1396
Please use this form for any enquiries you have and we will get back to you within two working days.
Do you have any feedback?
We welcome your feedback anytime.
If you would like to compliment one of our team, have a suggestion on how we can improve, or would like to complain about our service, we want to know.
You can contact us in person, in writing, or by phone. We will acknowledge your feedback.
Where a response is required, we will look into the matters raised and respond in writing within 10 working days.