Better Together: A Framework for Addressing Housing Need and Homelessness in Queensland (2024-2025)

Q Shelter is Queensland’s peak organisation working to ensure every Queenslander has a home. Q Shelter delivers projects, activities, and services across two externally focused outcomes:

  • Influencing solutions to housing needs and homelessness
  • Building capacity and capability.

Each year, Q Shelter presents a policy and investment framework on how to positively address housing need and homelessness in Queensland.

This year, Q Shelter’s submission deliberately proposes an underpinning framework to locate housing and homelessness responses within a poverty-reduction framework for Queensland. Q Shelter also builds on previous submissions to focus on upstream ‘prevention’ in favour of downstream crisis responses.

Q Shelter’s historical policy positions are available below, and you’ll also find our submissions and related material on our website. To participate in any of our online learning exchanges, register through the events section of our website.

April 2024 Progress on Policy and Investment Recommendations

In April 2024, Q Shelter reviewed our policy submissions from the past few years against the most recent Queensland Government reports and plans, including Homes for Queenslanders, the Queensland Housing Summit Outcomes Report and the earlier Queensland Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2021-2025.

Read our Progress Report from April 2024.

More information, input, and feedback

If you have any comments or questions, or you would like to provide further input on the Q Shelter Policy and Investment Framework, please contact the Executive Director or the Policy & Strategic Engagement Manager at Q Shelter on (07) 3831 5900 or email .

These are the main sections of our Policy Framework. You can download the full report here.

Executive Summary

Introduction and Context

Policy and investment solutions


Attachment 1: Homelessness system elements