Giving voice to housing and homelessness matters

Read our latest media statements

Immediate relief is welcomed, but poverty reduction through prevention requires further attention

June 12, 2024

While the Queensland State Budget reflects a combination of longer-term reforms with immediate measures to relieve cost-of-living pressures, peak body Q Shelter considers more could have been done to target measures for people struggling the most.

A call to maintain momentum ahead of the state budget

June 9, 2024

In the days before the State Budget and Budget Reply speech, Q Shelter calls for a commitment to maintain momentum by implementing Homes for Queenslanders and The Queensland Housing Summit Outcomes. In addition, specialised plans to address the needs of young people and First Nations Queenslanders also need the full support of all political parties.

Investment in modular homes welcome

June 3, 2024

Q Shelter welcomes the announcement that the State Government will deliver 600 modular homes as part of the $2.8 billion for housing committed as part of Homes for Queenslanders.

Prevention focus welcome through early years plan

June 2, 2024

'Homelessness will reduce if people have opportunities because they are supported. Fundamental needs such as food security, having a home, being at school, and participating in community life must be met through an integrated set of programs that put the futures of children first.'

Pinkenba site plans disappointing as homelessness crisis persists

April 26, 2024

“Even though the site has other strategic purposes we consider it shameful that so much time went by without any way to effectively engage three levels of Government and the community services sector in how the site could play a role, even if temporarily”.

Implementation barriers challenge housing and homelessness outcomes

April 21, 2024

As a member of the Homes for Queenslanders Implementation Taskforce convened by the Queensland State Government, Q Shelter will propose a clear focus on actions that respond to the current housing shortage while medium to longer-term housing projects are delivered.

Cost-of-living needs systemic approach

March 11, 2024

As reports into cost-of-living pressures proliferate, single measures don’t go far enough to change the circumstances of a growing number of people. Q Shelter is calling for a systemic approach to poverty reduction in addition to cost-of-living relief measures.

As elections loom local government role in housing supply critical to success

March 4, 2024

Ahead of Brisbane's Lord Mayoral debate, Q Shelter peak has revealed the proactive and preventive approaches that local governments can adopt to help remedy unmet housing need and homelessness.

Letter to Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness on funding beyond June 2024

February 22, 2024

Ahead of the Housing and Homelessness Ministerial Council, we advocate for funding in response to the Equal Remuneration Order to be maintained, and that federal funding for homelessness services is increased to meet demand.

Q Shelter calls for a shift toward supply-side strategies as home ownership rates plunge

February 5, 2024

New research by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) for Q Shelter reveals current housing policies have failed to reverse the trend and, in fact, have exacerbated the challenges faced by first-home buyers.

Q Shelter prepares analysis of Homes for Queenslanders plan

February 5, 2024

Q Shelter is preparing a comprehensive analysis of the full package of funding and reforms as part of the State Government's Homes for Queenslanders plan, which is due for release on Tuesday 6 February.

Building homes faster is critical to housing solutions

February 3, 2024

The success will be in the implementation of these measures and the convergence of opinions across private and not-for-profit peak organisations about solutions now needs to be the foundation for helping implementation succeed.

Youth Foyer investment a welcome boost for proven effective solution

February 2, 2024

Q Shelter welcomes the announcement to increase supportive housing for young people, expanding the successful Youth Foyer model across Queensland.

Peak housing and homelessness body welcomes increase for homelessness services

February 1, 2024

Q Shelter has welcomed today’s announcement by the Queensland Government to increase funding for homelessness services by 20%, in response to the current need. In addition to this announcement today, we know that tenancy sustainment programs are also critical.

Quotes from Q Shelter on the imminent release of the Queensland Housing Plan

January 30, 2024

Q Shelter welcomes the news that the Queensland Housing Plan is set for imminent release. We hope the plan is far-reaching in measures to achieve a healthy housing system so that every Queenslander has a home.

Call for housing ministers to put home ownership on the agenda

November 19, 2023

As housing ministers around the nation are poised to meet, there is an opportunity to adopt a cluster of policy settings designed to overcome barriers to home ownership while preventing some of the pitfalls that can cause unintended inflation in prices.

Brisbane 2032 Legacy Plan not enough to prevent housing market impacts

November 12, 2023

While the Brisbane 2032 Legacy Plan makes mention of housing, it falls short of preventing serious housing impacts because of a mega-event. Brisbane 2032 needs to fully pay for itself in terms of housing impacts.

Pinkenba progress needs collaboration

November 3, 2023

Q Shelter is writing today to each level of Government offering to host an implementation design meeting to investigate how the facility could play its part in easing the housing crisis.

Social Housing Accelerator Funds for Queensland welcome step but focus on immediate supply still critical

October 11, 2023

Q Shelter welcomes the announcement today on the direction of the Commonwealth’s Social Housing Accelerator funds for Queensland which will deliver 600 social homes and more than $398 million of new funding into the system on top of existing commitments.

Q Shelter urges greater scale and acceleration of housing supply to needed as part of the Housing Roundtable to meet current acute needs

September 20, 2023

Because it takes time to plan and build homes, it is justifiable that we apply the focus and expertise of the Housing Round Table now on scaling up and accelerating immediate supply to meet population needs.

Land audits paves way for new homes on the Gold Coast

September 8, 2023

Q Shelter are pleased to see results of the land audit progressing with this morning’s announcement by the Queensland Government of two sites to be developed on the Gold Coast.

Housing Ministers' meeting a welcome step

August 16, 2023

Q Shelter welcomes progress at the national level to convene housing ministers to take urgent action. National Cabinet has agreed to strengthen renters’ rights across the country and increase the national target to 1.2 million new homes over five years.

Response to Deputy Premier’s announcement of draft South–East Queensland Regional Plan

August 2, 2023

Q Shelter has welcomed the Deputy Premier’s announcement of a 20% social and affordable housing target in the draft South-East Queensland Regional plan released today.

Q Shelter backs Housing Australia Future Fund returning to Senate

July 28, 2023

Q Shelter is encouraged to see moves this morning to bring the Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF) back to the Senate next week. The HAFF is critical as it provides something extra in the funding mix to support more social and affordable housing in the Australian housing system.

New Federal funding for social housing welcome

June 17, 2023

‘It is now critical that all political parties support the Housing Australia Future Fund because of the role it can play in strengthening the delivery of social and affordable housing.’

Economic strength an opportunity for more investment in social and affordable housing

June 14, 2023

Industry experts are highlighting the strength of the Queensland economy and relatively low levels of debt compared to other states, which provides an important opportunity to increase the Housing Investment Fund.

Fast-tracked social housing a welcome addition to Queensland budget announcements

June 13, 2023

Q Shelter, Queensland’s peak body for housing and homelessness solutions, has welcomed the addition of $320 million for fast-tracked social housing, announced as part of the Queensland State Budget.

Housing Trust welcomed in Brisbane 2032 legacy engagement

May 30, 2023

Affordable housing advocates have welcomed a housing trust being included in the next round of Brisbane 2032 legacy planning after the latest consultation paper was published by the Queensland Government on Friday.

Q Shelter welcomes new housing portfolio

May 18, 2023

Queensland’s peak body for solutions to housing need and homelessness considers the new, focused portfolio on housing a positive step. A Minister with an exclusive focus on housing reflects the current extent of the crisis, and the level of concurrent activities underway to achieve real solutions.

National plan needed to end poverty

May 17, 2023

Q Shelter, Queensland’s peak body for solutions to housing need and homelessness, is calling for a national plan to end poverty in Australia. As reports into cost-of-living pressures proliferate, piecemeal measures don’t go far enough to change the circumstances of the growing number of people in dire need.

Budget announcements a step in the right direction for vulnerable households

May 10, 2023

Queensland’s peak body for the affordable housing and homeless sector, Q Shelter, welcomes important initiatives in the Federal Budget which address housing need and cost of living pressures but also urges further steps to accelerate the planning and delivery of housing around the nation.

An opportunity to make rental laws fairer for all Queenslanders

April 20, 2023

This week the Queensland Government announced a six-week period when all Queenslanders can have their say on how rental laws should change to be fairer for all. Q Shelter welcomes this formal consultation period as part of Stage 2 of the rental law reforms.

Q Shelter proposes additional measures to accelerate immediate housing supply

March 28, 2023

Ahead of today’s housing roundtable, Q Shelter commends efforts to investigate inclusionary zoning, identify land options and progress rental reforms.

Regional Queensland hurting in census data

March 22, 2023

Census data released today by the Australian Bureaus of Statistics shows a disproportionate increase in regional Queenslanders experiencing homelessness compared to those living in Brisbane.

Queensland's rental market in crisis

March 21, 2023

Queensland is in a period of severely low rental availability, record high rental prices, and an escalating rate of unmet housing need.

Predicting future demand for housing key to a home for every Queenslander

March 20, 2023

Q Shelter commends the Queensland State Government announcement that AHURI will be working to predict future supply and demand for housing in Queensland.

Q Shelter urges community to support vital rental reforms

March 15, 2023

With more Queenslanders renting in an increasingly tight rental market, peak body Q Shelter is calling on property owners, real estate agencies, and the broader community to support reforms that protect tenants.

Homelessness services to lose staff during housing crisis

February 8, 2023

At a time when homelessness services have never been under more pressure, they could face an even tougher battle in the future ahead of May’s Federal Budget.

The areas of Queensland worst affected by housing stress

January 31, 2023

The areas of Queensland suffering most from housing stress have been revealed in a landmark report by the Community Housing Industry Association.

Renters continue to struggle in Queensland

January 9, 2023

Trends for renters leading into Christmas and beyond continue to be challenging across Queensland. A Q Shelter survey of more than 200 renters at the end of 2022 found serious cases of hardship.

Q Shelter welcomes expanded Queensland Housing Supply Expert Panel

December 30, 2022

Q Shelter congratulates the new and expanded Queensland Housing Supply Expert Panel on their appointment.
‘An expanded state-wide role for the Panel is vitally important to unlock land and housing supply throughout the State where it is needed’ says Executive Director Fiona Caniglia.

Housing summit outcomes to provide immediate support for households in crisis

December 1, 2022

As Queensland’s peak body for housing and homelessness solutions, Q Shelter welcomes the announcement of a $56 million support package in the Queensland Housing Summit Outcomes Report tabled by the Premier in Parliament this morning.

Brisbane sees the sharpest decline in rental affordability in the nation during 2022

November 29, 2022

Today’s release of the national Rental Affordability Index (RAI) report has highlighted Queensland’s rental crisis, with some of the least affordable areas in the country.

Greater Brisbane has hit a low point for rental affordability, and regional Queensland is the least affordable regional market in Australia.

Housing need hits record high

November 23, 2022

Analysis of national census data commissioned by CHIA National shows 640,000 Australians’ housing needs are not being met. Based on population projections, this is likely to grow to 940,000 people in 2041.

Housing and homelessness experts meet to develop legacy plan

November 15, 2022

State-wide housing and homelessness peak body Q Shelter is gathering a forum of experts on Wednesday to develop a detailed legacy plan for Brisbane 2032.

New trajectory for housing in Queensland and Australia

October 26, 2022

In just one week, the Queensland Housing Summit and the Federal Budget have changed the trajectory for housing in Queensland and Australia.

Queensland rental crisis teetering on the edge of a cliff

October 18, 2022

Over 8,000 renting households in Queensland face rising rents or eviction as the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) ends.

Modular home industry can help address immediate housing need

October 18, 2022

The modular home industry can play an important part in addressing housing needs now and into the future according to a state peak body ahead of this week’s Queensland Housing Summit.

Housing trust solution to help end homelessness

October 18, 2022

Ahead of the Queensland Housing Summit, peak body Q Shelter is proposing the formation of Queensland Housing Trust that would help capture philanthropy aimed at building homes and ending homelessness.

Q Shelter congratulates Premier on enabling secondary dwellings

September 23, 2022

Q Shelter has called for enabling and uniform approaches to secondary dwellings for some time and this represents an immediate idea that will create some housing options.

Q Shelter congratulates Premier on plans for housing summit

September 13, 2022

‘Q Shelter has called for an emergency Summit, and we are excited by plans to bring together all key stakeholders and leaders to accelerate responses so that no Queenslander is without a home’

Housing system solutions urgently required

September 8, 2022

"An immediate Queensland Housing Summit is necessary to engage all key stakeholders, identify actions, allocate responsibilities, and implement solutions."

Go for Gold in legacy for Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games

July 25, 2022

"Brisbane 2032 could set a new standard in legacy for social and economic opportunities," according to housing and homelessness peak body Q Shelter.

Commitment to housing supply and affordability commended

June 19, 2022

Q Shelter commends local governments and private sector stakeholders who are stepping up to the challenge of ensuring housing affordability and availability so that every Queenslander has a home.

Queensland Housing Crisis Needs Co-ordination and Leadership

June 14, 2022

Queensland’s housing crisis has drawn unprecedented levels of concern from across the community. The situation is urgent and needs to be treated similarly to a significant natural disaster, with joined up responses involving Government, the not-for-profit sector and private sector.

Queensland housing sector gears up for housing growth opportunities

May 22, 2022

As Federal Election results unfold there are likely and welcome changes to the national approach to housing in Australia.

Sector United to Address Housing Crisis on Sunshine Coast

May 4, 2022

Members of the Sunshine Coast Housing and Homelessness Network (SCHHN) met in Nambour yesterday to form an action plan to address the emergent housing crisis and continuing homelessness in the region.

Housing Crisis Deepens, But Hills Optimistic About the Future

May 3, 2022

Former government and sports administrator, Jackson Hills has joined Q Shelter to help address the housing and homelessness crisis in Queensland.

“I am thrilled to join the team at Q Shelter, under the leadership of executive director, Fiona Caniglia,” said Hills.

Progress towards a national approach to housing affordability and supply

May 1, 2022

The ALP Federal Campaign Launch details important measures to achieve greater leadership on housing solutions for all Australians.

Federal Leaders’ Debate Falls Short on Nationally Co-ordinated Approach to Housing Solutions

April 21, 2022

Housing and Homelessness peak body, Q Shelter was heartened to hear housing affordability mentioned at the outset of last night’s Federal Leaders’ Debate. However, is calling for both leaders to go further and commit to a Housing Summit and a National Housing Strategy.

More needed from Federal Government to solve housing crisis

March 31, 2022

“The Federal Budget stops short of a nationally coordinated approach to housing supply and affordability to the detriment of a growing number of Australians,” says Q Shelter Executive Director Fiona Caniglia.

Housing affordability takes a hit – regionally and globally

March 22, 2022

A new report from the ACOSS/UNSW Sydney Poverty and Inequality Partnership shows that regional rents are now 18% higher than 2 years ago, at the start of the COVID 19 pandemic. Given that wages have only risen by 6%, the report concludes that regional rental housing affordability has significantly worsened during the public health crisis.

Not for profit real estate agencies ready to step up in response to flood crisis

March 9, 2022

As the Queensland rental market tightens and homelessness soars, Queensland’s emerging not-for-profit real estate sector is ready to help.

Andrew Elvin from Coast2Bay Housing Group says, ‘We know more properties are needed in the rental market to meet community needs. We operate Purpose Real Estate from Caboolture to Gympie offering full property and tenancy management services. The key difference is that all our profit goes to building more housing for people doing it tough’.

State’s peak body welcomes investment to provide housing and support for older women

February 17, 2022

Q Shelter, Queensland’s peak representative for the homelessness and housing sector, has welcomed new initiatives announced today that respond to the growing demand for specialist housing and homelessness responses for older women.

Low-income households priced out of the rental market as rent prices in Queensland continue to soar to new heights

November 24, 2021

The cost of renting in many parts of Queensland continues to rise according to the Rental Affordability Index (RAI).

The report reveals Brisbane has seen a massive decline in affordability, with one year’s decline in rental affordability wiping out four years of improvement in Brisbane.

A Housing Budget for Queensland

June 15, 2021

Q Shelter, Queensland’s peak representative for the homelessness and housing sector, has welcomed new investment in the supply of social and affordable housing. ‘This is a housing budget that will ensure more Queenslanders have a place to call home’ said Q Shelter Executive Director Fiona Caniglia.

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