Sectors such as Disability, Health and Mental Health have more advanced infrastructure and practices to embed the voices of people with lived experience in the development of policy, programs, and service improvements. As the number of people impacted by homelessness or who are living in social and affordable housing
increases, it becomes even more important to progress structures and resources that embed their voices in how the system operates and improves.
There are significant advantages to CHOs and the broader housing and homelessness system in strengthening the influence of people with lived experience in terms of policy, programs, and other improvements. It ensures system design that meets the needs of the primary stakeholder group while also helping to build capacity and capability for high-quality service provision resulting in better satisfaction rates, improved tenancy sustainment and tenant wellbeing.
Tenant participation
- Fund a recurrent tenant participation program in Queensland including five two-year pilot projects using co-design methods that incentivise providers and tenants to work together to:
- Support and strengthen a tenant-centred culture
- Make system and service delivery improvements
- Ensure ongoing, in-time quality input to decision-making and which together lead to the emergence of diverse tenant participation models (small, large, regional, urban) and recommendations for future social and community housing.
Annual cost $2 million
- Explore a way to strengthen tenant satisfaction surveys in Queensland including tenant input to the design of surveys and an independent platform for the delivery of
those surveys. - Fund the development of tenant participation guidelines, templates, and fact sheets for Queensland.$150,000
Peer leadership
- Fund peer leadership training and support in five regional locations to strengthen place-based groups of peer leaders providing advice, input and ideas to policy, programs, and service delivery improvements.$250,000
- Scope the formation of a peer-led organisation representing the interests of people with lived experience of homelessness, the risk of homelessness and/or of being a public or community housing tenant.$150,000
- Adopt the Paid Participation Policy of the Queensland Mental Health Commission for when people with lived experiences of being tenants of social and affordable housing or homelessness, contribute formal advice into regulatory, policy, research and consultation processes related to housing and homelessness solutions.$200,000
- Co-design pathways and roles to involve and include lived experience of housing needs and homelessness in the workplace.
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